区块链数字货币行业媒体资讯-币大大 币圈资讯 SuperCells:The world’s first supercell metaverse membership service ecosystem

SuperCells:The world’s first supercell metaverse membership service ecosystem




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Introduction: Blockchain technology has amazing potential in the instance of stem cell applications, especially when combined with a metaverse technology, it can bring great changes and opportunities for the whole humanity. Some forward-looking companies are actively exploring more innovative approaches to stem cell applications, and they have already been considerably effective in disease treatment, medical cosmetology, anti-aging maintenance, and more. The revolutionary SuperCells platform is expected to lead the development evolution of stem cells and regenerative medicine by creating a complete super cell medical care system.

In recent years, digital healthcare reforms based on blockchain technology has started to move towards becoming a reality, and together with more emerging technologies such as: big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, etc., it has been extended to a wide range of stem cell application scenarios in the medical world and has played a significant role in the construction of the healthcare metaverse ecology.

According to Precedence Research, the global stem cell therapy market is expected to jump to about $31.41 billion by 2030. Given its impressive future prospects, more and more stem cell users will choose and use lower-cost digital solutions, and this huge volume will help the medical care metaverse to become the trend of the era and the first to reach milestones.

(Precedence Research:Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Size Histogram for 2030)

However, the realization of this ideal state is still constrained by the current level of development of the stem cell industry, which may delay the progress speed of the stem cell digitization tools popularization. Currently, there are challenges in the stem cell field such as inefficient medical resources, inadequate management of medical information, and a growing crisis of trust due to medical data leakage. The industry lacks a set of secure, convenient and effective standards to regulate its positive development.

In order to solve such problems radically, SuperCells has specially created a decentralized stem cell application platform that allows global users to access low-cost, high-quality and efficient health management services through it. SuperCells is expected to be the first ever economically sustainable solution for stem cells and regenerative medicine through harmonized leading-edge technologies, revitalizing the well-established stem cell ecosystem around the world once more.

SuperCells – the world’s first blockchain-based super cell membership service ecosystem

SuperCells (project abbreviation: SC), comes from super cell, it is the world’s first blockchain-based super cell membership service ecology, which uses the concept of decentralization, fairness and transparency as well as the industry’s top biomedical science resources to create a multi-value circulation platform of stem cell bioengineering + health management digital economy. Through the three-pronged approach of stem cell value circulation intermediary, community-based consensus and smart contract, it reshapes the stem cell-related market and industry system stucture and promotes the global health breakthrough’s development.

With blockchain technology as its core, SuperCells aims to construct and open up a super cell metaverse ecology that includes: storage, culture, R&D, trading, service, and incubation. On top of which, it builds and improves its unique super cell membership service system to provide safe, convenient, and effective super cell medical care services for the industrie’s global stem cell users.

Our vision for the SuperCells platform is to continue to use the blockchain technology and expand the metaverse ecology to promote the implementation of large-scale applications of stem cells in multiple scenarios, empower the credit enhancement of the real economy and contribute to human health. SuperCells is determined to become the benchmark and leading company in the industry, to drive the industry breakthrough’s development and to accelerate the universality pace of the medical care metaverse.

Why choose SuperCells?

Leveraging upstream digital thinking, SuperCells provides a one-stop storage solution focused on the stem cell space, with the advantages of: allowing users to manage stem cell data transparently and securely, simplify the system processing, reduce the individual administrative costs and increase the system utilization’s efficiency. SuperCells has built a trusted digital stem cell healthcare business model that focuses on stem cell member related information, enterprise data collection and access, as well as the infrastructure to make a difference in the industry.

1. Real-time remote medical care services

SuperCells has signed up with compliant large stem cell companies in Japan, France, China (Hong Kong), etc. The business operates on the blockchain and uses the SCT (SC Project Governance Token) to proceed transaction payments. SuperCells completely guarantees the user information’s security, the system information’s promptness and the system data’s authencity.

2、Patented Product Services

In order to increase the amount of service users, SuperCells always provides the most advanced stem cell products, and has released several patented stem cell package services, which are the standard package, pathological package and family package. A stem cell medical care that fully covers the whole life cycle of any people’s situation.

Standard Package (anti-aging health care maintenance ): Using in vitro expanded and activated autologous stem cell transplantation to conduct a full-body age-reversal anti-aging and health care maintenance, promote the regeneration as well as repair multiple organs and systems’ structure and functions, to restore the overall health and vitality.

Pathological package (systemic reconstruction and cell replacement therapy): It is the core treatment program of SuperCells, has national patented technologies and is a core secret formula for some diseases. It helps strengthen the adjustment of the immune function, prevent and fight against tumors; contribute to the recovery of the body’s functions, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer and other degenerative diseases of the nervous system as well as hard-to-treat diseases such as diabetes.

Family Package

We provide a year-round stem cell service to our high-net-worth VIP customers, with one family as a single unit, one membership can be enjoyed free of charge for the whole family. With a comprehensive medical reports dedicated for families and customized super cell therapy programs and products for the whole year

3、Community Services

SuperCells has united with insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, research institutions, medical practitioners, and partner organizations to create a useful online community for stem cell users worldwide. A social outlet to share important information about stem cell research such as videos, articles, research and contributions of stem cell professionals, and an up-to-date channel for official SuperCells announcements

4、Community Governance

The governance part of the decentralized community adds again strength to the SuperCells’ community, building efficiency. SuperCells attempts to develop a fully collaborative blockchain governance model through good incentives, community autonomy, and community governance to effectively guide the development direction of the healthcare industry.

Supported and backed by the SuperCells Foundation (SCF), SuperCells has gained strong support in the SCT issuance and regulation as well as the overall development part of the project. The Foundation focuses on the financial support and management of the super cell pathology research, using SCF as the parent fund to set up multiple super cell pathology sub-funds and to issue tokens, aiming to promote the development and application of super cells with a new crowdfunding model of innovation and sharing

With both technology and products, strength and background, the SuperCells Foundation’s goal is to enable all users in need to quickly find professionals and teams that can fulfill their needs and provide them with personalized stem cell service solutions quickly

The excellent SuperCells technical performances

As a leader in stem cell research, SuperCells has established SuperCells laboratories (in Tokyo and Guangzhou), SuperCells factories, global member service centers (in Tokyo, Japan, Seoul, Korea, and Zhuhai, China), and the SuperCells metaverse studio to continue to complete the organization and participate in more case study programs to advance in this innovative field

Meanwhile, SuperCells is also a self-developed public chain that addresses stem cell traceability as the first application scenario. Its ultimate goal is to build a friendly underlying development service platform and application ecosystem to tackle commercial network-level requirements in the medical field.

SuperCells combines blockchain technology with medical data resources, releasing incomparable commercial and social value and widening the endless imagination of application scenarios. The platform is deeply involved in the whole process of stem cell technology application, and is forging ahead with the main core technology to improve the health of all human beings

Currently, SuperCells has already been approved by auditing authorities. The following audits have been completed and the code involved in the protocol is publicly available on the GitHub website.

● The SCT smart contract passed the SlowMist audit

● The SC NFT smart contract passed the SlowMist audit

● The SCT flash and limit orders passed the SlowMist audit

SuperCells – Application example of the medical metaverse

1、Secure data sharing

2、Privacy protection of stem cell medical information

3、Realization of precise stem cell personalized medical treatment

4、Realization of customized stem cell products participation methods

5、Provide traceability channels for stem cell products

5、Full-cycle stem cell medical service

SuperCells may enable a new way of connecting patients or healthy people to hospitals in our daily smart and connected era, breaking down information isolation. The SuperCells metaverse ecosystem allows access to personal wearable devices, VR and AR technologies, etc. to enable medical consultations, immersive treatments, related medical education and knowledge universality.

The online SuperCells system frees the hands of doctors, and after the scenarios of medical robots and AI doctors are actually put into practice, they can accurately and quickly diagnose conditions and treat diseases for users in this field. This completes the comprehensive SuperCells metaverse service system and changes the way people think about online medical services.

Professional Core Management Team

The SuperCells core team is composed of high-end super cell experts, professional medical specialists, early blockchain investors and innovative engineers. Most of the team members are from Japan, Korea, the United States, China and other countries, with rich industry knowledge as well as practical experience, they all have good abilities in technology development. These members are: The Chairman-Noboru Oshima, Director-Satoshi Murakami, Honorary Chairman-Osamu Yoshida, Honorary Director General-Tasaku Honjo, etc. The team’s supervisory committee and research committee are currently being voted on.

The $SCT Plentiful Application Scenarios

The native token of the SuperCells ecosystem is the SuperCells Token (SCT), with a built-in burning mechanism and application scenarios such as incentives, 50% discount payment for stem cell treatments, Foundation eco-governance, SuperCells community governance, sub-fund creation and management, access to pledging event earnings, as well as promoting the user participation in stem cell medical and healthcare services.

The token is set to be initially issued with the amount of 5 billion, of which are the team reward: 15%, the Foundation pledge reward pool: 5%, Foundation issuance pool: 50%, marketing operation and branding: 10%, user reward: 10%, funder reward 10%, and later there will added issuance in proportion according to the actual circulation volume. Its initial allocation is specified as the following:

SCT initial release distribution rules, Team rewards, Foundation pledge reward pool, Foundation release pool, Marketing operations and Branding, Funder rewards, User rewards

· Token Name: $SCT

· Total circulation: 5 billion

· Team Reward : 15%

· Foundation Pledge Reward Pool: 5%

· Foundation Issuance Pool: 50%

· Marketing Operations and Branding: 10%

· Funder Reward: 10%

· User Rewards: 10%

An Ambitious Roadmap

Since the official launch in May 2022, SuperCells has been been working simultaneously on the product, service and technology. It has first been securing start-up and investment funds, then successively signing up with strategic research institutions and service providers, building up the business and technical teams, and made multiple applications for the platform’s development, qualifications and business. This month, the SuperCells project is boldly going forward, with the upcoming launch of the SC and Foundation official website, the SC wallet, the Foundation BSC contract release, the angel round fundraising launch, and the official launch of the monthly continuous marketing campaign launch.

The team’s upcoming plans:

February 2023: Going live on new exchanges, Blockchain browsers, launch the SC APP and open service reservations

March 2023: Going live on new exchanges, launch the community function on the SC APP, and start continuous service offer events

April 2023: Launch of the second phase of the special SC service (simultaneously release the second Token phase)

May 2023: Sign up with 20 service providers, increase the number of bookable persons to 5000

Jun. 2023: Launch of the third phase of the customized membership service, and increase the bookable persons’ amount to a 1,000

Nov 2023: Create the SuperCells public chain

Risks and Challenges

Even though the SuperCells project has demonstrated a near perfect economic model, there are still some potential risks. First of all, SuperCells, as an emerging medical project, may encounter barriers to widespread adoption and may be accepted more slower than expected. In addition, another thing to consider before investing in the SuperCells project is that SuperCells is in the early stages of development, and can easily lag behind in the development of some features due to unknown bugs.

However, SuperCells has already passed the technical audit of SlowMist, and its technical aspects possess a strong security. As a member of the blockchain medical innovation ecosystem, its entry will undoubtedly help further the booming in the field, while promoting the birth of more value ecosystem services to better serve stem cell users. As the whole industry is still in its early stage, the development is not fully mature, but we believe that there is hope for these risks to be mitigated with the improvement of technology.

Comprehensive Evaluation

SuperCells is a super cell healthcare platform built on blockchain technology and a metaverse ecology. It has unique strengths such as the globalization of service resources, industrial research depth, customization of stem cell therapies, and therapy results patenting, which has formed an irreplaceable influence in the market and can meet all prerequisites from the complex stem cell technology application scenarios. In addition to helping solve some of the healthcare industry’s imminent problems, its pioneering capabilities can also serve in the direction of claims adjudication and billing management, insurance notarization and clinical data exchange, and other data’s interoperability.

As the use of digital stem cell solutions continues to grow, the adoption of SuperCells will increase globally, helping to unleash the power of a metaverse’s medical technology in each field.

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作者: 币大大

杭州住房贷款宣布调整 杭州住房贷款利率最新政策2023



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